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Web development firms can make money using Task Meister with current projects, and then again after you deliver. We call this our Web Dev Package.
The first punch in the Web Dev
Package is how it helps you win new business and manage existing projects.
Besides the Task Meister account you use for internal activities, we provide a
half-price account you set up for your client. In your sales mode, you
can present Task Meister as a collaborative management tool that sets you ahead
of your competitors. You present a vision of the prospect gaining unparalleled
project visibility and involvement (on your terms).
You rise above your competitors as focused and well tooled to answer the question on the minds of many prospects, "What happens after I give you my money?" You can give them a Task Meister demo that shows how they will be in the loop -- but within a structure that allows you to work effectively.
Once a project is underway, Task Meister becomes the traceable way for in-process change orders from your clients to become billable enhancements. No more disruptive mid-course maneuvers that clients haggle to include in your fixed-price, fixed-schedule bid.
Ever have a problem with clients providing content or a decision on a timely manner? Ever have a problem with a contractor delivering their part on time? Task Meister allows you to task them, too, and for all concerned to see when that has to be done to keep development on track.
The first punch of the Web Dev Package lets you show off your ability to leverage the internet to manage a development project. It cuts costs and compels a project to finish on time and within budget.
The second punch of the Web
Dev Package lands after you deliver your project.
You approach your client, who is by then familiar with the benefits of Task Meister, with the option of converting it into their own in-house task management tool. If you succeed, you gain a 20% margin on the subscription for as many years as your client continues to use it. If you have 6 to 10 major open projects at any one time, projects you deliver on average within 3 months, and you have a 50% success rate converting them into regular $49/mo Task Meister users, your firm will earn $3,763/year more than it would have otherwise. And the next year, this turns into $7,526/year.
Because you remain as a contractor on the "Assigned To" list, your client can easily assign documented, billable tasks to you through their Task Meister account. You become the simple choice for follow-on work.
The second punch of the Web Dev Package lets you leverage the goodwill of your deliverable to build a steady and substantial revenue stream that balances the ups and downs of custom development.
The procedure is simple. When you fill in
the partner's application form, click the radio
button for Web Dev Package. Once we accept your application, we will
provide you a RefCode to use when you sign up for your first Task Meister
account, the one you use to manage internal tasks and to test drive task
If you sign up within one week of being issued the RefCode, we will waive the subscription price. If you are using Task Meister (picklists customized, over a dozen tasks listed) at the end of that week, we will adjust your billing to start two months after that. Our motivation is not to collect your $49, but to compete with your other time priorities so that you are quickly using Task Meister. After you see how well it manages internal tasks, we look forward to your use of it to manage your clients.
Every subsequent Task Meister account you open with the same RefCode will be at half the published subscription price. To convert that to a resale, you just change the billing and sysadmin contact to your client. You get all the other Task Meister Partner benefits, including the online commission accounting system.
If you have questions, email or call 949-369-1638, ext 77.