client management, online application, task
client management, online application, task client management, online application, task
client management, online application, task
client management, online application, task


  • Task field tracking
    Task Meister tracks the following fields about each task:
    • Task Name
    • Task Description
    • Company Department (user-defined pick-list)
    • Project (user-defined pick-list)
    • Status (proposed, authorized, developed, tested, done, on-hold, cancelled)
    • Task Type (user-defined pick-list, ex: bug fix, enhancement, research, etc.)
    • Priority (high, low)
    • ETA (completion date)
    • Number of Hours (billable & actual)
    • Assigned By
    • Assigned To
    • "In the Loop" (automatically copied on task changes)
    • References (links to online documents)
    • Related Tasks (links to dependencies)
  • Custom notes
    Custom notes may be added to any task to record promises made, including when and by whom, as well as intermediate milestones achieved, problems encountered, tests passed, progress notes, etc.
  • Email notifications
    When a custom note is added, the "Assigned by" for the task is automatically notified via email.
  • Comments by the team
    Anyone on the users list may be copied on a task comment or note.
  • Related tasks
    Tasks may be noted dependent on another task.
  • New task announcement via email
    An email message is automatically generated to the "Assigned to" person when a new task is added.
  • Multiple tasks selection
    Tasks may be selected for viewing based on:
    • Company Department
    • Project
    • Status
    • Type
    • Priority
    • ETA (date range, past due, etc.)
    • Assigned By
    • Assigned To
    • Containing any designated text.
    • For example, "Show me all the overdue tasks from the Marketing Department assigned to J. Smith."
  • Hours totalizations
    Hours are totaled for whatever tasks are selected.
  • Multiple sorts of task view
    All task table columns may be sorted. For example, show tasks sorted by estimated completion date, grouped by person assigned.
  • Web page references
    For tasks based on an existing web page or described in detail in an online specification or report, you can reference the URL and incorporate it into the task references.
    • This also works for MS Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, images, and many other file types.
  • Security and privileges
    User security allows access privileges to be assigned by group membership:
    • Guest (adds proposed events)
    • Contractor (appends notes to their tasks)
    • Client (can add & modify their tasks)
    • Employee (can add & modify any task, and their events)
    • Sys Admin (add, modify, delete any task, event, user)
    • Sys Manager (add Sys Admin across multiple accounts)
  • Background traceability logs
    Background traceability logs show who added, modified, or deleted a task (if they were allowed to), who changed a task status (to "Done", for example), and when.
  • Calendar
    Switch back and forth between the table view and the calendar view (by due date) of a selected set of tasks.
  • Custom events
    Integrate custom events, such as test dates, client meetings, rollout deadlines, etc.
  • Repetitive events
    Add repetitive events such as weekly project reviews.
  • Clickable links
    Send a message about a task without taking the time to describe the task — just embed a clickable link to the task page in the message.
  • Reference links
    As tasks are completed, the reference link can be to a prototype or other online deliverable.
  • Clickable helps
    Clickable help icons Help Icon throughout provide usage tips for the field or command next to the help icon.

The above is a partial list. If the feature you desire is not listed, ask a presale question and it may be in Task Meister. If not, we stand ready to produce a custom version to your requirements.

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